12 min stacked exposure of the Andromeda Galaxy (Messier 31) - The closest galaxy is still 2.5million light years away!

Hues of the milky way around the galactic center - Shining brightly is the Saturn amidst Sagittarius constellation

Stacked image of Saturn, taken during its opposition using a DSLR (f/5.6, ISO3200, 500mm, 2x TC)

Conjunction of Saturn, Jupiter, Pluto and Mars in Sagittarius constellation. Parts of constellation Corona Austrina, Capricornus, Scorpius and Telesopium are also visible. Other elements of the frame include the nebulae NGC6727, NGC6526, M8, Lagoon Nebula, NGC6523. Brightest stars in the frame are ι1Sco, Alnasl (γ2Sgr), πSgr, Kaus Borealis (λSgr), Media (δSgr), Ascella (ζSgr), κSco, Nunki (σSgr), Kaus Australis (εSgr), Shaula (λSco), Scutum.

Conjunction of Saturn, Jupiter, Pluto and Mars in Sagittarius constellation. Parts of constellation Corona Austrina, Capricornus, Scorpius and Telesopium are also visible. Other elements of the frame include the nebulae NGC6727, NGC6526, M8, Lagoon Nebula, NGC6523. Brightest stars in the frame are ι1Sco, Alnasl (γ2Sgr), πSgr, Kaus Borealis (λSgr), Media (δSgr), Ascella (ζSgr), κSco, Nunki (σSgr), Kaus Australis (εSgr), Shaula (λSco), Scutum.

Close view of conjunction of Saturn, Jupiter, Pluto and Mars in Sagittarius constellation. Parts of Capricornus constellation is also visible. Brightest stars in the frame include the 52Sgr, 62Sgr, 59Sgr, θ1Sgr, α1Cap, α2Cap, τSgr, Dabih (βCap), Ascella (ζSgr) and Nunki (σSgr)

Close view of conjunction of Saturn, Jupiter, Pluto and Mars in Sagittarius constellation. Parts of Capricornus constellation is also visible. Brightest stars in the frame include the 52Sgr, 62Sgr, 59Sgr, θ1Sgr, α1Cap, α2Cap, τSgr, Dabih (βCap), Ascella (ζSgr) and Nunki (σSgr)

Constellations Hercules, Corona Borealis and Serpens in the night sky. Frame also contains portions of constellations Virgo and Ophiuchus. Brightest stars in the frame are πHer, δHer, ζHer, Kornephoros (βHer), Yed Prior (δOph), Unukalhai (αSer), Zubeneschamali (βLib), ζOph, Gemma (αCrB), Alphecca and Rasalhague (αOph)

Constellations Hercules, Corona Borealis and Serpens in the night sky. Frame also contains portions of constellations Virgo and Ophiuchus. Brightest stars in the frame are πHer, δHer, ζHer, Kornephoros (βHer), Yed Prior (δOph), Unukalhai (αSer), Zubeneschamali (βLib), ζOph, Gemma (αCrB), Alphecca and Rasalhague (αOph)

Lyra constellation in the night sky. Brightest stars in the frame are ηLyr, δ2Lyr, ζ1Lyr, κLyr, 13Lyr, Sheliak (βLyr), Sulafat (γLyr), δCyg and Vega (αLyr)

Lyra constellation in the night sky. Brightest stars in the frame are ηLyr, δ2Lyr, ζ1Lyr, κLyr, 13Lyr, Sheliak (βLyr), Sulafat (γLyr), δCyg and Vega (αLyr)

Brightest stars of Scorpius constellation. Also visible in the frame are M4, NGC6121, IC4605, rho Oph Nebula, IC4604, IC4592, ρSco, υLib, θOph, τSco, Al Niyat (σSco), πSco, Graffias (β1Sco), Sabik (ηOph), Dschubba (δSco), Antares (αSco), Part of the constellation Scorpius (Sco), Part of the constellation Ophiuchus (Oph)

Brightest stars of Scorpius constellation. Also visible in the frame are M4, NGC6121, IC4605, rho Oph Nebula, IC4604, IC4592, ρSco, υLib, θOph, τSco, Al Niyat (σSco), πSco, Graffias (β1Sco), Sabik (ηOph), Dschubba (δSco), Antares (αSco), Part of the constellation Scorpius (Sco), Part of the constellation Ophiuchus (Oph)

Starry Night Sky containing portion of the Ursa Major. Other visible stars include 20CVn, 83UMa, κ2Boo, λBoo, Alcor (80UMa), α2CVn, Mizar (ζUMa), Benetnasch (ηUMa), Alkaid, Alioth (εUMa). Galaxies/Nebulae M101, NGC5457 are also part of the frame

Star trails containing portion of the Ursa Major. Other visible stars include 20CVn, 83UMa, κ2Boo, λBoo, Alcor (80UMa), α2CVn, Mizar (ζUMa), Benetnasch (ηUMa), Alkaid, Alioth (εUMa). Galaxies/Nebulae M101, NGC5457 are also part of the frame

Not much success with capturing the Lyrid meteor showers. Ended up with part of Virgo Constellation. Brightest stars include 82Vir, 89Vir, 78Vir, ψVir, 74Vir, θVir, τVir, Syrma (ιVir), ζVir, Spica (αVir)

Not much success with capturing the Lyrid meteor showers. Ended up with part of Virgo Constellation. Brightest stars include 82Vir, 89Vir, 78Vir, ψVir, 74Vir, θVir, τVir, Syrma (ιVir), ζVir, Spica (αVir)

Part of Cygnus constellation in night sky. Tagged stars and nebulae include North America Nebula, NGC7000, NGC6992, Veil Nebula, NGC6960, Pelican Nebula, IC5070, IC5068, IC1340, 41Cyg, νCyg,32Cyg, τCyg, ξCyg, 31Cyg, ζCyg, Gienah, Sadr and Deneb. Since it was in the center of galactic center, some color details are also visible (though they have been ashed off significantly to eliminate light pollution effects)

Part of Cygnus constellation in night sky. Tagged stars and nebulae include North America Nebula, NGC7000, NGC6992, Veil Nebula, NGC6960, Pelican Nebula, IC5070, IC5068, IC1340, 41Cyg, νCyg,32Cyg, τCyg, ξCyg, 31Cyg, ζCyg, Gienah, Sadr and Deneb. Since it was in the center of galactic center, some color details are also visible (though they have been ashed off significantly to eliminate light pollution effects)

Close view of Leo constellation in night sky. Brightest stars in the frame include 60Leo, 31Leo, ρLeo, γ2Leo, ηLeo, Adhafera (ζLeo),Chort (θLeo), Chertan, Algieba (γ1Leo), Zosma (δLeo), Regulus αLeo). Darting horizontally across the constellation is the artifical satellite GLOBSTAR M004.

Close view of Leo constellation in night sky. Brightest stars in the frame include 60Leo, 31Leo, ρLeo, γ2Leo, ηLeo, Adhafera (ζLeo),Chort (θLeo), Chertan, Algieba (γ1Leo), Zosma (δLeo), Regulus αLeo). Darting horizontally across the constellation is the artifical satellite GLOBSTAR M004.

Parts of constellations Hercules and Draco visible in the night sky. Brightest stars include ηHer, Edasich (ιDra), πHer, ζDra, Altais (δDra), Pherkad (γUMi), Rastaban (βDra), ηDra, Eltanin (γDra) and Kochab (βUMi),

Parts of constellations Hercules and Draco visible in the night sky. Brightest stars include ηHer, Edasich (ιDra), πHer, ζDra, Altais (δDra), Pherkad (γUMi), Rastaban (βDra), ηDra, Eltanin (γDra) and Kochab (βUMi)

Parts of constellations Aquila (Aql) and Sagitta (Sge) in the night sky. They were showing up around the middle of galactic center and very colourful stars are seen in the frame. Brightest stars in the frame are βSge, αSge, ιAql, ηAql, δSge, Alshain (βAql), γSge, δAql, Tarazed (γAql), Altair (αAql).

Parts of constellations Aquila (Aql) and Sagitta (Sge) in the night sky. They were showing up around the middle of galactic center and very colourful stars are seen in the frame. Brightest stars in the frame are βSge, αSge, ιAql, ηAql, δSge, Alshain (βAql), γSge, δAql, Tarazed (γAql), Altair (αAql).

Parts of constellations Virgo and Bootes in the night sky. Brightest stars in the frame are 78Vir, 70Vir, 20Boo, σVir, τBoo, τVir, υBoo, ζVir, Muphrid (ηBoo) and Arcturus (αBoo)

Parts of constellations Virgo and Bootes in the night sky. Brightest stars in the frame are 78Vir, 70Vir, 20Boo, σVir, τBoo, τVir, υBoo, ζVir, Muphrid (ηBoo) and Arcturus (αBoo)

Frame contains portions of constellations Ursa Major and Canes Venatici. Its position in the galactic center frame helped capture several bright and colourful stars. Brightest stars in the frame include NGC5457, 83UMa, κ2Boo, Chara (βCVn), Alcor (80UMa), Megrez (δUMa), α2CVn, Mizar (ζUMa), Benetnasch (ηUMa), Alkaid and Alioth (εUMa). Some nebulae like M101, NGC5457 are also part of the frame.

Frame contains portions of constellations Ursa Major and Canes Venatici. Its position in the galactic center frame helped capture several bright and colourful stars. Brightest stars in the frame include NGC5457, 83UMa, κ2Boo, Chara (βCVn), Alcor (80UMa), Megrez (δUMa), α2CVn, Mizar (ζUMa), Benetnasch (ηUMa), Alkaid and Alioth (εUMa). Some nebulae like M101, NGC5457 are also part of the frame.

Frame contains portions of constellations Virgo and Crater. Brightest stars in the frame include 16Vir, εCrt, ζCrt, θCrt, χVir, Zaniah (ηVir), Porrima (γVir), Zavijava (βVir), Gienah (γCrv)